We recognize the selfless gift Veterans have given through their service to our country and we work to ensure that they have access to the best health care opportunities available.
BVMRF administers extramural funding in support of research and education activities at the James J. Peters VA Medical Center (JJP VAMC) and the VA Hudson Valley Health Care System (VA HVHCS).
BVMRF-administered research addresses health challenges specifically prevalent in the Veteran population and facilitates Veterans’ access to the latest medical treatments and state-of-the-art technology.
BVMRF health education activities are aimed at improving VA personnel’s performance in their duties and raising Veterans’ and caregivers’ health awareness. Health education activities administered through BVMRF are conducted by VA healthcare providers trained to engage Veterans with the culturally competent care former service members require.
Our vision is to ensure that every Veteran in our community has access to the best quality of care and is empowered to make healthy lifestyle choices to enjoy an optimal quality of life.
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Board of Directors
BVMRF’s Board is comprised of individuals with unique ties to the Veteran community and all are committed to fulfilling our mission: to facilitate, encourage, and support research and education at the James J. Peters VA Medical Center and the VA Hudson Valley Healthcare System and their community-based outpatient clinics.