The Bronx Veterans Medical Research Foundation

In 1988, Congress passed Public Law 100-322 (now codified at section 7361-66 of title 38, United States Code) that allowed Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers to establish nonprofit research corporations (NPCs) to provide flexible funding mechanisms to administer non-VA research funds, forming a unique public/private partnership which dramatically broadened VA’s ability to benefit from private and non-VA public support for research conducted at VA medical centers.

Established on December 18, 1992, the Bronx Veterans Medical Research Foundation (BVMRF), is a New York State nonprofit research corporation created to advance research and education conducted within the James J. Peters VA Medical Center (JJP VAMC). In March 2022, BVMRF became a Multi Medical Center Research Corporation (Multi-NPC) with the addition of the VA Hudson Valley Health Care System (VA HVHCS). It is affiliated with, but legally distinct from the VA, JJP VAMC, and VA HVHCS. BVMRF is an independent, state-chartered 501(c)(3) corporation governed by a Board of Directors that include VA Statutory members from the medical centers, and led by an Executive Director.

As a distinct legal entity, BVMRF assumes a pivotal role in providing essential support to VA physicians and researchers in their pursuit to enhance comprehension and treatment of conditions impacting veterans.

BVMRF facilitates collaborative efforts between JJP VAMC, VA HVHCS, academic institutions, government research organizations, and private companies by administering extramural funding of diverse programs ranging from applied research in spinal cord injury to molecular mechanisms of gene therapy.

Photo: James J. Peters Veteran, Theresa Hannigan, greets and demonstrates the ReWalk to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Barack Obama, 2013.