Proposal Submission Process
BVMRF will work with sponsors on behalf of VA Investigators once notice of funding is received. BVMRF is committed to providing timely, accurate, and service-oriented assistance to Principal Investigators, including support in exercising good fiscal management practices for the administration of externally funded sponsored programs during the lifecycle, from account set-up to closeout.
Below are some of the post-award administrative services that BVMRF will provide:
Manage an Investigator’s portfolio of accounts.
Negotiate terms and conditions with sponsors.
Accept awards from sponsors.
Coordinate payment of personnel.
Facilitate negotiation and processing of sub-awards, their amendments, and renewals.
Monitor and prepare reports for sponsors.
Provide detailed projections on a regular basis.
Coordinate effort reporting.
Provide customized reports on request.
Work closely with Accounts Receivable to ensure timely billing/collection.
Link to other BVMRF departments as needed.
I received Notice of Award - What next?
In order to establish a BVMRF account, your project must be approved by the James J. Peters VA Medical Center Research & Development (R&D) Committee. Once you obtain R&D approval, the Grants and Contracts Manager will set up a BVMRF account for your project. You will be notified of your new BVMRF account name.
This is a new account – What does BVMRF need?
Complete the Delegation of Authority for BVMRF research personnel for one or more of the following activities:
Financial Information
Check Requests
Subject Payments